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Cargo ship loaded with containers close to coast

Club News

The Swedish Club Offers Hull & Machinery and Liability Insurance for Commercial Small Craft in the Nordic Market

Discover the protection that Comprehensive Hull & Machinery and Liability Insurance provided by The Swedish Club can give you, tailored explicitly for commercial small craft engaged in coastal shipping within Nordic waters. Our insurance coverage for small craft is specifically designed for smaller vessels such as cargo ships, ferries, fishing vessels, tugs, and specialised vessels.

To qualify for coverage there are certain requirements to be fulfilled, including registration under Nordic flag, holding a valid trading certificate, and having a maximum of 3,000 gross tons.

Hull & Machinery Insurance (H&M)

• Comprehensive coverage extending to total loss, damage, collision, and salvage.
• Insurance limits up to USD 5,000,000.

Liability Insurance (P&I)

• Including personal injury, cargo damage, oil spills, wreck removal, and related liabilities.
• Varied limits are contingent upon vessel classification.

Information about the Small Craft Insurance, please click here» 

For further information please contact:

Daniel Kilgren, Senior Underwriter
Mobile +46 766 318 666

Carina Rosén, Assistant Underwriter
Mobile +46 735 455 590