The Swedish Club Marine Insurance Course (MIC)
The Marine Insurance Course is scheduled in autumn 2025, with detailed registration to follow soon.
The Marine Insurance Course (MIC) covers the important aspects of marine insurance, ranging from terms and conditions to the practical handling of claims.
The focus is on the three major types of marine insurance:
- Protection & Indemnity (P&I)
- Hull & Machinery (H&M)
- Freight Demurrage & Defence (FD&D)
The MIC has two elements:
1. Presentations, workshops and study materials
Top speakers provide an introduction to the world of marine insurance and explore the various elements in detail.
2. In-depth Workshop sessions
Tuesday & Thursday
Delegates can explore specific interest topics with other participants, followed by breakout sessions allowing for detailed discussion.
Who can attend, and what will it cost?
This course is open to members and business partners of The Swedish Club. It is free to Club members and costs USD 1750 for non-members. We welcome multiple delegates from one organisation but apply early as numbers will still be limited.
In recognition of the unprecedented challenges that continue to be faced by the world’s seafarers, The Swedish Club will donate all fees to charity.
If you have any questions, please contact: