List of correspondents
List of Correspondents (download PDF)
The above list is updated every 15 minutes to ensure that the list contains the latest information of our correspondents’ contact details.
Primarily contact The Swedish Club.
Please contact The Swedish Club General Correspondents in the country where you need assistance in urgent matters. If both methods above should fail, please contact the Club’s nearest local correspondent.
Please use mobile phone numbers when contacting the correspondents.
If you encounter problems contacting a correspondent, please contact Correspondent Manager Hans Filipsson
The Club does not appoint agents, but the List of Correspondents is available to assist Members and their vessels on a case by case basis with any claims or problems in respective ports. We emphasise that correspondents are not agents for service of process upon The Swedish Club.
Since 2018 there has not been a printed copy of our List of Correspondents.
List of Correspondents – how to find them

The easiest way to find Correspondents is to use the search function.
You will always have immediate access to the latest updated contact details at the top of our web. Here you can search country, port and correspondents company names directly in the Search box.
Advice to Masters (download PDF)
When a casualty occurs, the owners and The Swedish Club should be notified immediately to arrange for the necessary attendance.
In any casualty, as the Master, you play a crucial role. You are on the scene, with the ability to minimise the casualty’s consequences and facilitate the handling of matters between the owners and The Swedish Club.
Advice to Masters is designed to support that process and not supersede or contradict any instructions issued by the owners. It aims to provide you with advice relating to a casualty from the underwriter’s point of view.
You can download this publication or request a press copy from marcom@swedishclub.com.