Low water advisory in the Mississippi River
Our Correspondent, Fernandes Maritime Consultants, LLC, published an advisory on low water conditions in the Mississippi River.
As is well known, the Mississippi River goes through seasonal high and low water cycles annually, high water with associated rapid currents in spring and low water conditions in fall. However, this year the River is currently experiencing its lowest water levels in over a decade due to a severe mid-west drought situation. This has caused upriver supply chain interruptions to barge traffic transporting grain and other cargoes as well as groundings of ocean-going vessels traversing up and down the Lower Mississippi River’s (LMR) navigable channels upto Baton Rouge, Louisiana, approx. Mile 139 AHP (Above Head of Passes). The US Army Corp of Engineers (abbr. Army Corps) is working diligently dredging sections of the River to maintain or restore normal traffic conditions, however fighting nature is not always a winning hand.
Read the complete advisory here.
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