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Club News, Press Release

Unprecedented times – message from the Managing Director

Dear members, brokers and friends of The Swedish Club,

We have just experienced the Easter break in times we have not experienced before. The current situation affects all parts of society in a way we have not been able to envisage previously. I sincerely hope you are all safe and healthy.

The COVID-19 pandemic has produced unprecedented operational challenges for members. Crew changes, quarantine requirements, disruptions and delays, have become day-to-day issues in these difficult times. These are the imminent challenges; the long-term effects are more unpredictable. The Swedish Club is fully committed to supporting members with advice and recommendations. We continuously respond to many questions relating to claims, disputes and the corona virus generally and how these issues affect the cover afforded. Our top priority is to service our members and brokers at all times.

The Swedish Club is not unaffected by the lockdown situation either. All our offices are working remotely. We have two teams working alternate weeks from home and in the office at the Gothenburg head office. IT connections work well for the most part and we utilise all the digital means of external and internal communication e.g. Skype, web meetings, etc.

The immediate impact for the Club is on investments. However, I can confirm that we maintain a very strong capital position. Our Finance & Audit committee have been active during the first quarter of the year and in between meetings. A stress test required by the regulator in the latter part of March shows that our solvency margin has not been affected that much.

For the safety and wellbeing of our members, brokers and friends of The Swedish Club, we have cancelled all social arrangements in connection with the AGM planned for 10, 11 and 12 June.

The actual corporate Annual General Meeting will take place on 11 June 2020. This is an official requirement. We are at present looking into possible means of how to conduct this meeting.

Our aim is to be back next year in full force with an ambitious programme. We are in a people business and look forward to meeting up again soon, when circumstances permit.

In the meantime, take care and stay safe.

Lars Rhodin
Managing Director

The Swedish Club

Lars Rhodin, Managing Director The Swedish Club

Photo: Jonas Ekström, Jensproductions